I’ve just finished setting up this website and I’m sitting at the dinning room table, alone. I have no idea where to begin this blog. My daughter’s cat is somewhere nearby because I can hear him snoring. I’ve had this itch for the longest time to start sharing what I believe God has been working into my heart over the past ten years. Now that I’ve finally set this “stage/blog/platform/thing” up I don’t even know where to begin. Go figure.

I never want to come across as a “know-it-all.” Patience seems to slip out of my grasp when listening to people who spew opinions as the Gospel Truth. What you will find in this “stage/blog/platform/thing” are my discoveries about God from various sources and authors who have spoken into my life. I don’t believe theology should ever make you feel big, smart or better than someone else. Its a humbling study that beholds the magnificence of God. I’m amazed that the more I try to understand God the less I feel I know. The only thing I grow more confident of with each passing day is simply, “Jesus, Loves me this I know. For the Bible tells me so…”

So, I’ll begin by stating that I believe your perspective about God is important. In fact, its the most important thing about you. As a pastor I’ve had the privilege of listening to the stories of many people. What I’ve come to realize, is that what makes a good story isn’t when everything goes according to plan. Stories that inspire are never free of pain. If Prince Charming had to meet his beautiful princess, fall in love, get married, make babies and live happily ever after…. thats the dumbest story…. ever! Where’s the adventure? Where are the battles and difficulties? The journey of life doesn’t just ascend. Absolutely not! There is so much descent in life. We go in circles and walk through evil valleys and trip and fall and end up going backwards at times.

Good stories always present us with a battle to overcome. Our favorite books and movies are always the ones where the main character has to rise above their circumstances and come out victorious. These are the stories that produce hope within us. Life is full of struggle and it is designed to be this way because of what it produces within us.  We all hate going through the battles, but they are a necessary part of life because without them you never get the victories.

I believe God likes a good fight!  God is in your corner, cheering you on and he has graced your life with everything you need to overcome. This training that you may be going through, isn’t the absence of God’s love, but the evidence of his love. God would never stick you into a position where he has not first put you through the preparation. That would be cruel and unloving of him.  And through it all, as we learn to trust Jesus in the midst of the battle, what we gain is perspective. Difficulties have an amazing way of shaping our paradigm if we can hold on to hope and continue to believe in God’s goodness. These hardships open our eyes to see that there is more to life than just our little stories. There is a much greater story unfolding before us and it is the battles that we face that helps open our eyes to this reality.

Perspective is what Jesus came to bring the world when he started his ministry. He came preaching, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” (Matthew 4:17). The word repentance, comes from the Greek word metanoia[G3341], which simply means to “think differently” or to “change what you know.” Its not about feeling sorry for yourself but rather about discovering the right direction. In Romans 12:2, the Apostle Paul wrote that we are to be “transformed by the renewal of your mind.” The way you think and believe shapes the way you live.  

Its not just any perspective that is important. What is absolutely critical to the way you live is your perspective or understanding about God. In fact, I believe the most important thing about a person’s life, isn’t who their parents are, how affluent they might be or where they were educated. The most important aspect of a person’s life is who they believe God is. A person’s understanding of God will frame their reality. Life is not psychological. Life is theological. So then, who is God? Is God, Allah, Buddha, Krishna, Jesus? Or maybe you believe God doesn’t exist. Which ever view or belief of God a person holds to will frame the way they view the world and live because each life is a reflection of their perception. 

Matthew 16:13-19 is a pivotal scripture for me. Jesus asked his disciples a simple but vital question: “Who do you say that I am?” Simon Peter nails the answer by responding, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Jesus proceeds by telling Simon that he is blessed for this revelation and that on this rock Jesus is building his church. Many believe that Jesus was going to build his church upon Peter. For this reason a belief was formed that Peter became the first Pope. However, the context of the passage started with a question about the identity of Jesus. Peter had the revelation that Jesus was the Son of God. Jesus tells them that upon this revelation he is building His church. I believe that Jesus is building his church upon the revelation of Who Jesus is! So then who is Jesus? What is he like? How does your understanding of him shape the way you live?

With this understanding it becomes clear why Satan attacked the identity of God in Genesis chapter 3 with the fall. Humanity fell when the identity of God was called into question. He allowed Adam and Eve to believe God was a liar and someone who was holding out on them. This battle continues today. In order to understand the depravity that exist in different parts of the world all you really need to look at is the understanding of God that exists in those areas. Even in the church today, there are false perceptions of God that are being taught which bring bondage rather than freedom to people’s lives. 

Herein lies the the purpose of this”stage/blog/platform/thing”. My aim is to bring hope and to make sense of some of the struggles we face in life by challenging your understanding of scripture and your perception of God. I don’t have all the answers. The Apostle Paul wrote that we only know in part. But what I have come to believe is that your entire existence is a reflection of your theological view. As a pastor, I have witnessed how the stories of many men and women come into freedom when lies about God are exposed and biblical repentance takes place. I’m excited to see where this leads! My prayer is that this website will be a resource that brings hope and freedom to people’s lives.